
This is a reference manual for ELI programming language. For more information about ELI, please visit fastarray and wiki.

Unlike APL, ELI uses ASCII characters. ELI has one or two ASCII characters to denote one APL notation. Normally, the second character is a dot(.) which extends a function to another similar function. For example, in terms of dyadic functions, the Asterisk(*) is the multiplication and the *. is the power. This design helps ELI programmers quickly grasp the language with rich primitives.

ELI is a succinct and powerful array programming language. You don’t need to write loops for iterating every element in arrays. Instead, the set of well-designed primitives can take over the loops so that programmers are freed from tedious labor work and use ELI as a tool of thought.

ELI On-line



Website Map

  • Highlight the features of ELI and EliStudio;
    A well-defined table for the comparison between ELI and APL
  • Introduction to the ECC compiler for ELI to C;
    Available benchmarks
  • EliStudio packages for Windows, Linux and MacOS
  • Include ELIPrimer, ELI4kids and etc.
  • Leave your comments about the website and ELI;
    Contact us for any other questions